....."The pioneers of a warless world are the youth who refuse military service"....... - Albert Einstein

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Autism, Eugenics and the split within Humanity

Throughout history there has been a strong sense of superiority within elite circles that was often responsible for their own downfall.
Almost every society has at one point in history had a caste system, in which the families that ruled the nation would only marry each other.
In ancient times the ruling elite went as far as claiming they were descended of Gods. Ptolemy, one of Alexander the Great's most trusted bodyguards, claimed that he was descended from Heracles and Dionysus. To keep his divine bloodline pure, his descendants only married each other. This resulted in a long line of brother-sister marriages that eventually gave rise to the now famous Cleopatra.

More recent examples include the Rothschild family and European royal families. Mayer Amschel Rothschild founded a prominent banking dynasty in the late 18th century. For more than a century, the descendants of his sons only married each other. Four of Mayer's granddaughters married grandsons, and one married her uncle.

The European Royal families would only marry eachother, a practice that went on for centuries. Their families were plagued by madness, infertility and various other deformities.
The last Habsburg King of Spain, Charles II was born physically disabled and disfigured.
Centuries of inbreeding within his family had left him unable to chew due to his enormous misshapen Habsburg jaw. As the last living member of his family he was expected to marry and have children, but none of his marriages ever resulted in any children. His death meant the end of Habsburg rule over Spain.

The British Queen Victoria had 9 children, most of whom married into other European Royal Houses. Because two of her daughters carried the gene that causes Haemophilia, soon royal families throughout Europe were plagued by Haemophilia. A famous photograph shows the British King George V next to his cousin, the Tzar Nicholas II. Due to generations of inbreeding the two men looked nearly identical. The gene was also introduced into the Russian royal family.
Nicholas' only son, Alexei suffered from Hemophilia due to his British Royal ancestry.

Even today, the British Queen is married to a member of her own family. Her husband Prince Philip is her third cousin through Queen Victoria and second cousin, once removed through Christian IX of Denmark.

In Britain, the Darwin family had been intermarrying with members of the Wedgewood family for generations. One of their descendants was the now famous Charles Darwin. His half-first Cousin Galton used his theory of Evolution to create the theory of Eugenics. Since natural selection created the species we see today through the evolution of one species into another, humanity must be evolving as well. He believed it must be possible to influence this process in humans, by allowing only certain people to breed. This theory is called eugenics.

The theory of Eugenics received strong support from other elite British families and some of the more prominent families decided to marry into the Galton-Wedgewood family as well. The Huxley family is one such example. Thomas Huxley was one of Darwin's first supporters, which led to his nickname, "Darwin's bulldog". Huxley had many prominent grandsons. One of these is named Andrew Huxley, a man who married Helen Bowen Wedgwood, which makes him related to the Galton-Wedgewood family I mentioned earlier. Two other grandsons are the famous Aldous Huxley and Julian Huxley. Aldous Huxley is best known for writing the classic novel "Brave New World". Julian Huxley was a eugenicist who started the Trans humanist movement.

Another related eugenics family is the Keynes family. A granddaughter of Charles Darwin married Geoffrey Keynes. Geoffrey Keynes was the brother of the well known British economist and eugenicist John Maynard Keynes. At the time of his death in 1946, John Maynard Keynes declared eugenics "the most important, significant and, I would add, genuine branch of sociology which exists."

Although the practice of marrying cousins stopped, the idea of superiority never went away. In fact, many prominent British intellectuals wrote about how human beings would evolve into two seperate species. H. G. Wells was one of the first prominent science fiction writers. One of his non-fiction books was called "The New World Order". This book is about a World Government that would end war. The term "New World Order" is still used by many prominent Western politicians today to describe a common goal they work towards. H. G. Wells also believed in the theory of Eugenics. He wrote:
"I believe that now and always the conscious selection of the best for reproduction will be impossible; that to propose it is to display a fundamental misunderstanding of what individuality implies. The way of nature has always been to slay the hindmost, and there is still no other way, unless we can prevent those who would become the hindmost being born. It is in the sterilization of failure, and not in the selection of successes for breeding, that the possibility of an improvement of the human stock lies."
Another one of his books is called "The Time Machine", and served as a warning to the public. In this book, the protagonist uses a time machine to travel to the future, and upon arrival finds out that humanity has split in two. One species called the Eloi lives above Earth and consists of the descendants of today's upper class. With no work to do, they have degenerated and no new art is created and no new inventions are made. The rest of humanity has degenerated and turned into aggressive spider like creatures called Morlock, that live underground where they do all the work that allows the Eloi to live in their Utopia. The warning is that with no more work to do, the descendants of the elite will degenerate, and with them, society as a whole as well. A last deleted chapter of the book shows tiny bunny like creatures, that the Eloi have evolved into. They are hunted and eaten by the Morlock who have turned into giant centipide like creatures. The message, filled with hatred for the common people, is clear.

Another prominent British intellectual, Bertrand Russel, also believed in a split within humanity, but did not feel the need for any of these allegories. In one of his books, The Impact of Science on Society, he wrote:

When such methods of modifying the congenital character of animals and plants have been pursued long enough to make their success obvious, it is probable that there will be a powerful movement for applying scientific methods to human propagation. There would at first be strong religious and emotional obstacles to the adoption of such a policy. But suppose (say) Russia were able to overcome these obstacles and to breed a race stronger, more intelligent, and more resistant to disease than any race of men that has hitherto existed, and suppose the other nations perceived that unless they followed suit they would be defeated in war, then either the other nations would voluntarily forgo their prejudices, or, after defeat, they would be compelled to forgo them. Any scientific technique, however beastly, is bound to spread if it is useful in war - until such time as men decide that they have had enough of war and will henceforth live in peace. As that day does seem to be at hand, scientific breeding of human beings must be expected to come about.


...Diet, injections, and injunctions will combine, from a very early age, to produce the sort of character and the sort of beliefs that the authorities consider desirable, and any serious criticism of the powers that be will become psychologically impossible. Even if all are miserable, all will believe themselves happy, because the government will tell them that they are so.

A totalitarian government with a scientific bent might do things that to us would seem horrifying. The Nazis were more scientific than the present rulers of Russia, and were more inclined towards the sort of atrocities that I have in mind. They were said - I do not know with what truth - to use prisoners in concentration camps as material for all kinds of experiments, some involving death after much pain. If they had survived, they would probably have soon taken to scientific breeding. Any nation which adopts this practice will, within a generation, secure great military advantages. The system, one may surmise, will be something like this: except possibly in the governing aristocracy, all but 5 per cent of males and 30 per cent of females will be sterilised. The 30 per cent of females will be expected to spend the years from eighteen to forty in reproduction, in order to secure adequate cannon fodder. As a rule, artificial insemination will be preferred to the natural method. The unsterilised, if they desire the pleasures of love, will usually have to seek them with sterilised partners.

Sires will be chosen for various qualities, some for muscle others for brains. All will have to be healthy, and unless they are to be the fathers of oligarchs they will have to be of a submissive and docile disposition. Children will, as in Plato's Republic, be taken from their mothers and reared by professional nurses. Gradually, by selective breeding the congenital differences between rulers and ruled will increase until they become almost different species. A revolt of the plebs would become as unthinkable as an organised insurrection of sheep against the practice of eating mutton. (The Aztecs kept a domesticated alien tribe for purposes of cannibalism. Their regime was totalitarian.)

To those accustomed to this system, the family as we know it would seem as queer as the tribal and totem organisation of Australian aborigines seems to us... The labouring class would have such long hours of work and so little to eat that their desires would hardly extend beyond sleep and food. The upper class, being deprived of the softer pleasures both by the abolition of the family and by the supreme duty of devotion to the State, would acquire the mentality of ascetics: they would care only for power, and in pursuit of it would not shrink from cruelty. By the practice of cruelty men would become hardened, so that worse and worse tortures would be required to give the spectators a thrill." [emphasis mine] - 61

This book was published in 1952. Similar ideas persist today.

The BBC reported in 2006 that Evolutionary theorist Oliver Curry of the London School of Economics expects humanity to split in two as well. The "genetic upper class" will evolve into tall intelligent and good looking beings, while the rest of humanity will degenerate into "goblin-like creatures" as the BBC calls them. Like H. G. Wells, Oliver Curry is afraid that this new race will degenerate because there will be little work left to do due to innovations in technology. From the BBC article:

Social skills, such as communicating and interacting with others, could be lost, along with emotions such as love, sympathy, trust and respect. People would become less able to care for others, or perform in teams. Physically, they would start to appear more juvenile. Chins would recede, as a result of having to chew less on processed food. There could also be health problems caused by reliance on medicine, resulting in weak immune systems. Preventing deaths would also help to preserve the genetic defects that cause cancer.

Ideas like these can even be found in the highest circles of the British military. In 2006 a document was published called DCDC Strategic Trends to help prepare the military for any scenario's that we might see in the future. The document can be found here. It mentions among other things:

Globalization will result in critical interdependencies that will link members of a globalized society that includes a small super-rich elite and a substantial underclass of slum and subsistence dwellers, who will make up 20% of the world population in 2020.


New Humans

The application of advanced genetics could challenge current assumptions about human nature and existence. Initially employed for medical purposes, breakthroughs in these areas could be put to ethically questionable uses, such as the super-enhancement of human attributes, including physical strength and sensory perception. Extreme variation in attributes could arise between individuals, or where enhancement becomes a matter of fashion, between societies, creating additional reasons for conflict.


Genetic Treatments to Prevent the Effects of Ageing

Developments in genetics might allow treatment of the symptoms of ageing and this would result in greatly increased life expectancy for those who could afford it. The divide between those that could afford to ‘buy longevity’ and those that could not, could aggravate perceived global inequality. Dictatorial or despotic rulers could potentially also ‘buy longevity’, prolonging their regimes and international security risks.

An article by Wired.com shows that ideas like these are prevalent in American Transhumanist circles as well. It begins by saying:
Bioethicists and scientists contemplating the future fear that genetic engineering and other technologies are going to divide human beings into classes that may one day try to destroy one another.
Rich, powerful people will use technology to make their kids smarter, they say. The poor and the disenfranchised, meanwhile, will become a kind of subhuman servant class, like the Yahoos in Jonathan Swift's Gulliver's Travels.
It goes on to quote multiple prominent biologists and bioethicists about their views in these development.

The belief in a coming split within humanity is widespread within academic circles. It ties into the ideas of Transhumanism, the philosphy of Julian Huxley that I mentioned earlier. Transhumanism is the belief that through genetic modification and/or technological enhancement, humanity will eventually take evolution into it's own hands, and redesign intself. Of course, like DCDC Strategic Trends says, if this will ever be possible, it will most likely only be available to those within the higher echelons of society.

Whether these are simply the delusions of men living in ivory towers or not, this is a worrying trend because these people are in control of many aspects of our society and they believe that part of the human race is destined to become a better species, while the rest of us degenerate. What's even more disturbing is that some, like Bertrand Russell, believe that this split will not come naturally, but will be brought about by a scientific oligarchy that only allows the docile and less intelligent members of the general populace to reproduce. In his 1952 book Russell gave a general picture of how the human race will be manipulated by this oligarchy. I've selected a few passages below:

The system, one may surmise, will be something like this: except possibly in the governing aristocracy, all but 5 per cent of males and 30 per cent of females will be sterilised. The 30 per cent of females will be expected to spend the years from eighteen to forty in reproduction, in order to secure adequate cannon fodder. As a rule, artificial insemination will be preferred to the natural method. The unsterilised, if they desire the pleasures of love, will usually have to seek them with sterilised partners.


Sires will be chosen for various qualities, some for muscle others for brains. All will have to be healthy, and unless they are to be the fathers of oligarchs they will have to be of a submissive and docile disposition. Children will, as in Plato's Republic, be taken from their mothers and reared by professional nurses. Gradually, by selective breeding the congenital differences between rulers and ruled will increase until they become almost different species. A revolt of the plebs would become as unthinkable as an organised insurrection of sheep against the practice of eating mutton.


...Diet, injections, and injunctions will combine, from a very early age, to produce the sort of character and the sort of beliefs that the authorities consider desirable, and any serious criticism of the powers that be will become psychologically impossible. Even if all are miserable, all will believe themselves happy, because the government will tell them that they are so.

As you can see, Russel believed that the vast majority of the population will be sterilized. Only those with a submissive and docile character will be allowed to reproduce. Furthermore, Diet Injections and Injunctions will be used to create the type of character the authorities will consider desirable. These policies would allow the scientific oligarchy to remain in control forever. This would come down to a war against those with a strong and independent mind. Those intelligent enough to be capable of understanding what is done to the population would have to be eliminated.

There is evidence that suggests a lot of these ideas are currently being carried out. In a previous report, I wrote about mass sterilization campaigns that are currently carried out in the 3rd world. This report did not mention however, that infertility is becoming epidemic in the 1st world as well. Studies done in Denmark, Finland, France and New Zealand among other countries show shocking declines in male fertility. A leading British fertility expert goes as far as claiming that in 2015, one in three British couples may require IVF therapy if current trends continue. It is not hard to see that within a few generations we may see massive infertility, but next to nothing is done about this by most governments. In fact, in the UK, dangerous man made chemicals that can cause hormonal problems in both fish and humans that will lead to infertility will not be filtered out of the water. The ridiculous excuse for this is that filtering out these chemicals would cause too much CO2 emissions.

Another trend we see that relates to the writings of Bertrand Russel is the increasing amount of soy we see in the Western diet. Soy contains so called phyto-estrogens (plant hormones) that have been proved to cause infertility in males, because they mimic the female hormone called estrogen. High levels of soy have been proven to reduce fertility in males. What's perhaps even more disturbing is that soy has been proven in studies to change the behavior of animals it was fed to. It produced the type of docile behavior that Russell believed the future elite would want to induce in the general populace among other ways through our food. A study done with rats showed that even moderate amounts of soy caused these animals to spend less time in social interaction with other rats. Another study down in adult male monkeys fed phyto-estrogens showed changes in their behavior as well. Time spend together with other monkeys was halved. Furthermore, the monkeys showed a threefold increase in submissive behavior. It is interesting to note that it can be assumed that intelligent people are mostly affected by the introduction of soy to the Western diet. Studies have shown that children of above average intelligence are more likely to become vegetarians. While it's easily possible for any vegetarian to avoid soy, most vegetarian diets include a high amount of soy. It is clear that soy in our diet creates both the infertility and the submissive character that Bertrand Russel believed the scientific elite would want to see in the common man. Furthermore, those targeted through the soy appear to be the people of above average intelligence that form the main source of opposition to the scientific oligarchy.

Many studies prove that the average intelligence has been dropping over the decades. But the most significant decline can be seen in the number of people that perform significantly above average in Intelligence tests.

Now, finally, let us look at autism. It would take an eternity to write down all the evidence connecting injections (vaccines to be more specific) to autism, but for now I'll direct you to this presentation by Dr. David Ayoub. The autism epidemic is changing the way our society works in many ways. Evidence shows that the children that are affected worst are those with high levels of testosterone. The reason for this is that estrogen protects against Thimerosal, a neurotoxic chemical found in many vaccines, while Testosterone worsens the effects. Multiple studies have shown that children of intelligent fathers are more likely to become autistic. Here are the links to just three of them:




Without autism, these children would most likely have grown up to become highly intelligent, dominant males. Because of their disorder most of them will also never grow up to have children themselves. This new epidemic has taken away from us many people who could have formed the main source of opposition to the scientific dictatorship.


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